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n. (plural of apprehension English)

Usage examples of "apprehensions".

While his majesty was thus discoursing with Jones, a sudden uproar arose in the barn, and as it seems upon this occasion:- the courtesy of these people had by degrees removed all the apprehensions of Partridge, and he was prevailed upon not only to stuff himself with their food, but to taste some of their liquors, which by degress entirely expelled all fear from his composition, and in its stead introduced much more agreeable sensations.

When it was once over, and she had smiled again and rebuked him for excessive anxiety, his apprehensions no longer troubled him, but subsided sensationally in wrath at the crippled woman who would not obey the dictate of her ailments instantly to perish and spare this dear one annoyance.

Kosmos that produced the human brain are being, to some degree, recognized by that brain: in this special sense, they are discoveries, un-coveries, recognitions, anamnesias, recollections, apprehensions of patterns and worldspaces present as potentials but only now being actualized or apprehended in individual cases.

But its monological apprehensions need to be supplemented with dialogical recognitions, and this begins to take us away from the too-heavily sensorimotor anchoring in which Varela and his colleagues seem a bit mired.

One glimpse into the immense kitchen almost banished the apprehensions of Giles Habibula.

She therefore demanded security, and proposed, as a preliminary of the agreement, that he should privately take her to wife, with a view to dispel all her apprehensions of his inconstancy or deceit, as such a previous engagement would be a check upon his behaviour, and keep him strictly to the letter of their contract.

For the first day, I was tortured with apprehensions for the friendly Fadini, fearing that he had been robbed and murdered for the jewels which he had, perhaps, too unwarily exposed to sale.

Renaldo, whose fancy still harboured the apprehensions of another separation, Don Diego consented that the indissoluble knot should be tied between that young gentleman and Serafina in two days, and the place appointed for the ceremony was the very church where they had been restored to the arms of each other.

The satisfaction which the captain received from the kind behaviour of Miss Bridget, was not a little abated by his apprehensions of Mr.

Jones, which the light of the moon plainly discovered to her, together with his affable behaviour, had entirely subdued those apprehensions of thieves which she had at first conceived.

Having travelled on for some miles in a high road, which Northerton said he was informed led to Hereford, they came at the break of day to the side of a large wood, where he suddenly stopped, and, affecting to meditate a moment with himself, expressed some apprehensions from travelling any longer in so public a way.

Sophia, who was yielding to an excess, when she could neither laugh nor reason her cousin out of these apprehensions, at last gave way to them.

To these observations, although they seemed to come from a heart occupied by more gloomy as well as more important cares, Isabella endeavoured to answer in a manner as free and unconstrained as it was possible for her to assume, amid the involuntary apprehensions which crowded upon her imagination.

Ratcliffe, till dinner-time, when you shall see that my apprehensions have not spoiled my appetite.

With the kindest concern he came on to Longbourn, and broke his apprehensions to us in a manner most creditable to his heart.