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adv. In an appraising way.

Usage examples of "appraisingly".

The three men looked at it, appraisingly, and all saw it at the same instant: in the middle of the forehead, the eyeless head showed an indentation.

Tremayne, watching me appraisingly with his head on one side, told me to take my place behind Mackie who would be leading the string.

It was neither especially high nor steep, but as they began to descend, Camilla, who had set a stiff pace, looked appraisingly at the two Terran women.

Chapter Ten Lwaxana walked next to Q, eyeing him thoughtfully and appraisingly.

The women looked appraisingly at Bond, wondering whether he made love to her well.

I was about to admire the latter when a small furry thing darted from under the mop head and regarded me appraisingly.