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n. (plural of applauder English)

Usage examples of "applauders".

When Martin Abromovitch finally finished playing, the wary ones among the audience waited until he stood up and bowed twice before joining in the ovation with warm charitable looks for the uncultured early applauders among their neighbors.

He had the gift of putting distance between himself and his applauders.

The expressions of the applauders were somewhat chilly, giving Paul to understand that he could never really be a full partner in their enterprise, since he had not been with them from the beginning.

After finishing the song, he placed the guitar on the table and bowed to the applauders.

Among the loud applauders, two small black boys clapped loudest, and one was heard to shout to the other, with profound pride and glee, "Them's my gourds he busted!

A foreigner, a good observer, who questions the shop-keepers of whom he makes purchases, the tradesmen he knows, and the company he finds in the coffee-houses, writes that he never had "seen any symptom of a sanguinary disposition except in the galleries of the National Assembly and at the Jacobin Club," but then the galleries are full of paid "applauders,'1 especially "females, who are more noisy and to be had cheaper than males.

They pass from Cause to Cause with the same Reward: From this they are pleasantly enough call'd sofokleij, Applauders.

While you are in this bad disposition, then, and gaping after applauders, and counting your hearers, would you be of benefit to others?