Crossword clues for appetiser
n. (alternative spelling of appetizer English)
Usage examples of "appetiser".
He turned back to his neglected appetiser and took a spoonful of sliced fruit and sweetened grains.
The relative merits of the author's poetry versus his prose occupied them until the appetisers arrived.
And he sank into silent recollection of long moments among the open gas-jets, the cobwebs and the good smell of wine-soaked corks, which had been appetiser to so many feasts.
Chillies stuffed with lobster – and that was just the appetiser at theJanos !
I'm not surprised really, it's pretty much what I expected, and I take comfort from the fact that it's an ambiguous warning, albeit only very, very slightly ambiguous - it's not you, Brian, it's the mushrooms - the implication being that if she'd ordered a different appetiser, the deep-fried Camembert for instance, then we'd have already made love by now.
The server whisked his billowing cape to one side to reveal the chilled metal bowl containing the captain's salad and the steaming odwood plate bearing Lunzie's appetiser.