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n. (plural of append English) vb. (en-third-person singular of: append)

Usage examples of "appends".

Symonds appends a note addressed to Smith, saying: "I return you the fruit of my labors, as Mr.

Hamor also appends to his narration a short letter, of the same date with the above, from the minister Alexander Whittaker, the genuineness of which is questioned.

And to this ast-quoted sentence Coleridge actually appends the following note: "The reader will scarcely fail to find in this verse a remembrancer of the sudden setting in of the frost before the usual time (in a country, too, where the commencement of its two seasons is in general scarcely less regular than that of the wet and dry seasons between the tropics) which caused, and the desolation which accompanied, the flight from Moscow.

Taplin, however, appends to my descriptive remarks the words "this is exact.

And to give her this redundant honor, she takes a male honorific, ro, which means 'great teacher,' and appends it to a woman's name!

And to give her this redundant honor, she takes a male honorific, ro, which means ‘great teacher,’ and appends it to a woman’s name!

Lieu-tenant Commander Hazel Gower said, "that a junior appends `Ma'am' to whatever she says to a superior officer.