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vb. (obsolete spelling of appeal English)

Usage examples of "appeale".

It turned out to be Jules Verne who most appealed to this bunch, and so they became the Jules Verne Society, soon shortened to the JV.

It appealed to the mountaineer in him, the physical mystery of it.

Earely the morrow next, before that dayHis ioyous face did to the world reueale,They both vprose and tooke their readie wayVnto the Church, their prayers to appeale,With great deuotion, and with litle zeale:For the faire Damzell from the holy herseHer loue-sicke hart to other thoughts did steale.

None of these appealed or was possible while she was stuck in her hotel room, and the thought of running up more transatlantic phone charges from a hotel line was discouraging.

And AMOGing—or cutting a competitive male cockblock out of a set—appealed to his subversive side.