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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Apology \A*pol"o*gy\, n.; pl. Apologies. [L. apologia, Gr. ?; ? from + ?: cf. F. apologie. See Apologetic.]

  1. Something said or written in defense or justification of what appears to others wrong, or of what may be liable to disapprobation; justification; as, Tertullian's Apology for Christianity.

    It is not my intention to make an apology for my poem; some will think it needs no excuse, and others will receive none.

  2. An acknowledgment intended as an atonement for some improper or injurious remark or act; an admission to another of a wrong or discourtesy done him, accompanied by an expression of regret.

  3. Anything provided as a substitute; a makeshift.

    He goes to work devising apologies for window curtains.

    Syn: Excuse.

    Usage: An apology, in the original sense of the word, was a pleading off from some charge or imputation, by explaining and defending one's principles or conduct. It therefore amounted to a vindication. One who offers an apology, admits himself to have been, at least apparently, in the wrong, but brings forward some palliating circumstance, or tenders a frank acknowledgment, by way of reparation. We make an apology for some breach of propriety or decorum (like rude expressions, unbecoming conduct, etc.), or some deficiency in what might be reasonably expected. We offer an excuse when we have been guilty of some breach or neglect of duty; and we do it by way of extenuating our fault, and with a view to be forgiven. When an excuse has been accepted, an apology may still, in some cases, be necessary or appropriate. ``An excuse is not grounded on the claim of innocence, but is rather an appeal for favor resting on some collateral circumstance. An apology mostly respects the conduct of individuals toward each other as equals; it is a voluntary act produced by feelings of decorum, or a desire for the good opinion of others.''


n. 1 (plural of apology English) 2 (plural of apologie English)

Usage examples of "apologies".

Murmuring apologies, he and Dera began to squeeze through the crowd to meet them as they did the same from their side.

My apologies, my love, but they get so complicated' `Oh, I know, I know, and mayhap this one is, too, but I could think of no other way ` `Way to what?

No doubt Evandar had worked his strange horse-dweomer once again `My apologies, my love,' Evandar said.

He would burst into tears and sob until in a flurry of apologies Meranaldar would get up and leave him alone.

He accepted her apologies with more apologies of his own until the ritualized politeness was complete on both sides.

He'll kill you and send flowers to your funeral if any apologies are called for.

He wondered if her fluent Mandarin apologies had softened Wu's impeccably, cruelly polite treatment of the woman he had called daughter.

One of Wu's assistants came into the room and with many bows and apologies asked for Lindsay to accompany him to the rooms of Mrs.

There was flaring passion, yes, but there was something more, something both tender and enduring, apologies and promises spoken in silence, a warmth that went beyond the cold stone passage wrapped around both of them.

Please give her my apologies, and, oh yes, please tell her I'm delighted to have the company of you both on the road.

She looked down and whispered, "Thank you, Sire, for accepting my apologies.

You're in the midst of a Kontrin matter-Kont' Raen, seri, with profound apologies.

And if you're not of like mind on this, we'll make our apologies for misjudging you, and take our leave.

Hereupon, feeling quite drowsy, I resolved to have forty winks, and with due apologies reclined upon the couch, where I drifted into a refreshing slumber.

I was on my feet at once with apologies, but they instantly hustled me to the door, down a flight of steps, through a court-yard, and into the waiting cab.