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Etymology 1 adv. (initialism of amongst/among/and others English) Etymology 2

n. A Japanese color word that includes what English-speakers would call blue and green.


AO, aO, Ao, or ao may refer to:

Ao (mythology)

In Māori mythology, Ao ("daylight") is one of the primal deities who are the unborn forces of nature. Ao is the personification of light and the ordinary world, as opposed to darkness and the underworld.

He is spoken of under many forms or manifestations, including Aotūroa, “enduring day, this world”, Aotahi, “bright day, world of light and life”. With his companions, Ata, “morning,” and Whaitua, “space,” Ao resists the forces of darkness.

Ao (color)

Ao ( hiragana あお; kanji 青; adjective form ) is a Japanese color word that includes what English-speakers would call blue and green. For example, in Japan, green traffic lights are described as , and blue skies are described as , as in aozora bunko.

Ao (turtle)

Ao ( Chinese: , Áo) is a large marine turtle in Chinese mythology. He was thought to have lived in the South China Sea during the time of the formation of the world. When the goddess Nüwa, creator of mankind, was repairing the sky after a disaster, she chopped off Ao’s four legs and used them as supports.

Another myth claims that Ao still lives and resides in the Bohai Sea, where he carries the three islands of the Eight Immortals ( Penglai, Fangzhang, and Yingzhou) upon his back.

He is thought to have been an influence on the later half-dragon, half-turtle figure of Bixi in imperial Chinese sculpture. Bixi was considered a son of the Dragon King who was able to carry enormous weights upon his back; figures of the dragon-turtle bearing memorial stelae are common monuments throughout East Asia.

Ao (surname)

Ao is the Mandarin pinyin and Wade–Giles romanization of the Chinese surname written in Chinese character. It is romanized as Ngo in Cantonese. Ao is listed 375th in the Song dynasty classic text Hundred Family Surnames. As of 2008, it is the 261st most common surname in China, shared by 250,000 people.

Usage examples of "ao".

Em meio aos meus gritos ouvi meu nome sendo pronunciado com ternura e, depois, com medo.

Trazia uma nota de grandeza e de espiritualidade que falava aos meus olhos de seminarista.

The Warlocks will be persuaded by Peer Ao Aoen that, since the sun is in Leo, and since Pluto, if it still existed, would have been in syzygy with Earth at this time, the omens decree the harshest of penalties.

Em pouco tempo eu me acostumaria aos companheiros e aos mestres, e acabaria gostando de viver com eles.

Detalhou o nosso encanto um com o outro, nosso entendimento e a descoberta aos vinte e cinco anos desse amor em nosso primeiro encontro.

Aqui os tenho aos dous bem casados de outrora, os bem-amados, os bem-aventurados, que se foram desta para a outra vida, continuar um sonho provavelmente.

Ouvia os meus gemidos e sentia meus dedos agarrados aos seus cabelos, quando, de repente, minha bacia foi se erguendo e soltei um grito.

The one man in all of AOS that actually found an extraterrestrial being, and instead of doing the naturally military thing you took her home and hid her in your house and opaqued the windows.

The one man in all of AOS that actually found an extraterrestrial being, and instead of doing the naturally mili­.