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n. (context physics English) Any particle that obeys a continuum of quantum statistics, only two of which are the standard Bose-Einstein and Fermi-Dirac statistics.


In physics, an anyon is a type of quasiparticle that occurs only in two-dimensional systems, with properties much less restricted than fermions and bosons; the operation of exchanging two identical particles may cause a global phase shift but cannot affect observables. Anyons are generally classified as abelian or non-abelian. Abelian anyons have been detected and play a major role in the fractional quantum Hall effect. Non-abelian anyons have not been definitively detected, although this is an active area of research.

Usage examples of "anyon".

He had served Kelren since the old king's death and, as anyone would tell, had served him well.

They could not get anyone near King Ivran to talk, even for a sizable offer, though most may simply not have known very much.

The king had deteriorated slowly before her eyes, fading away physically and mentally until he could barely move or speak, or recognize anyone.

Frost turned against the •emperor and took no payment from anyone.

Though anyone who had visited Kamrit in •recent years would likely recognize her face, and she had met so many young men.

Word of what has happened will spread no matter what Hoke or anyone else does.

Those that have fallen can little help you or anyone else now.

He was still drained from his ordeal, more so than anyone, but the damage was more than simply physical, Madia was certain of it.

But he was also aware that the council members would know much about goingson in Ariman, perhaps more than anyone—and he needed to learn what they knew, especially about Ferris.

They do not trust you, my lord, and they've •begun to make trade difficult for anyone associated with me.

These were all soldiers, twenty when counted, two low ranking officers among them and no captain, so far as anyone could determine from the uniforms and weapons.

There are limits to how much power can be utilized by anyone at any one time.

Nor could she trust anyone beyond herself to aid him, for fear of tales being carried back by those among the she-shadows who might well, after a hard winter, want to win warmth and fine clothes and good food enough to betray someone they scarcely knew.

Wanlorn of Athalantar am I, and I accept thy hospitality, swearing unreservedly that I mean no harm to ye or to anyone who dwells within, nor to any design or chattel of Felmorel.

Mystra must be unable to concede that anyone could turn from blind worship of her.