adv. In negative or interrogative constructions: from a given time onwards.
adv. at the present or from now on; usually used with a negative; "Alice doesn't live here anymore"; "the children promised not to quarrel any more" [syn: anymore]
Usage examples of "any longer".
Kirk said in an iron voice, "we will not go along with these charades any longer!
He didn't deserve any part of her, and he was acutely aware of it, but he couldn't deny himself any longer.
He was just so used to thinking in a certain way about things that he hadn't even realized he didn't feel that way any longer.
Not that I don't appreciate it, but I can't let you coddle me any longer.
I asked him what was happening to the Hobarts no sense kidding myself any longer that he's in the dark about what happened to Dream Floater & he didn't answer.