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a. Of, resembling, characteristic of, or pertaining to ants; formic.

Usage examples of "antly".

Ex­pel­li­ar­mus sa­ved me from Vol­de­mort two ye­ars ago,” Harry ad­ded de­fi­antly.

We­as­ley had ap­pe­ared out of thin air at the ga­te, ac­com­pa­ni­ed by Ru­fus Scrim­ge­o­ur, ins­tantly re­cog­ni­zab­le by his ma­ne of griz­zled ha­ir.

Re­gu­lus was ins­tantly re­cog­ni­zab­le as the boy sit­ting in the mid­dle of the front row: He had the sa­me dark ha­ir and slightly ha­ughty lo­ok of his brot­her, tho­ugh he was smal­ler, sligh­ter, and rat­her less hand­so­me than Si­ri­us had be­en.

A fi­re sprang up ins­tantly: It ga­ve the il­lu­si­on of co­zi­ness to the stark sto­ne walls and glis­te­ned off the long wo­oden tab­le.

He had al­ways tho­ught of Splinc­hing as so­met­hing co­mi­cal, but this … His in­si­des craw­led unp­le­asantly as Her­mi­one la­id ba­re Ron’s up­per arm, whe­re a gre­at chunk of flesh was mis­sing, sco­oped cle­anly away as tho­ugh by a kni­fe.

He ve­ne­ra­ted Sna­pe, the first Slythe­rin he­ad­mas­ter sin­ce he him­self had cont­rol­led the scho­ol, and they had to be ca­re­ful not to cri­ti­ci­ze or ask im­per­ti­nent qu­es­ti­ons abo­ut Sna­pe, or Phi­ne­as Ni­gel­lus wo­uld ins­tantly le­ave his pa­in­ting.

And te­ars ca­me be­fo­re he co­uld stop them, bo­iling hot then ins­tantly fre­ezing on his fa­ce, and what was the po­int in wi­ping them off or pre­ten­ding?

And it ca­me to Harry ins­tantly whe­re he had se­en the boy be­fo­re: in The Li­fe and Li­es of Al­bus Dum­b­le­do­re, arm in arm with the te­ena­ge Dumb­le­do­re, and that must be whe­re all the mis­sing pho­tog­raphs we­re: in Ri­ta’s bo­ok.

Was it only re­luc­tantly that Dumb­le­do­re set out to cap­tu­re the man he was on­ce so de­ligh­ted he had met?

He glan­ced aro­und cons­tantly, ima­gi­ning that he co­uld fe­el his se­at prick­ling.

But on­ce you’re ele­ven,” he nod­ded im­por­tantly, “and they start tra­ining you, then you’ve got to go ca­re­ful.

Dis­tantly he he­ard Sna­pe sho­ut at her in his hu­mi­li­ati­on and his fury, the un­for­gi­vab­le word: “Mud­b­lo­od.

How stran­ge that in his dre­ad of de­ath, it pum­ped all the har­der, va­li­antly ke­eping him ali­ve.

Instantly, back on his feet, Ptath snatched at the two other men, caught them, held them up for a moment, one twisting, struggling body in each hand, then flung them angrily aside.

Mists rose from it, and an exudation of heat and above all, a tantalizing odor that pleasantly tickled his nostrils.