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a. 1 (context medicine English) inhibit the growth and reproduction of a virus. 2 (context computing English) eliminate or inhibiting the action of a computer virus.


adj. inhibiting or stopping the growth and reproduction of viruses


n. any drug that destroys viruses [syn: antiviral agent, antiviral drug]

Antiviral (disambiguation)

Antiviral may refer to:

  • Antiviral (film), a 2012 Canadian film
  • Antiviral drug, a class of medication used specifically for treating viral infections.
  • Antiviral protein
  • Antivirus software
  • Antiviral Therapy, an academic journal
Antiviral (film)

Antiviral is a 2012 Canadian-French science fiction horror film directed by Brandon Cronenberg. The film competed in the Un Certain Regard section at the 2012 Cannes Film Festival. Cronenberg re-edited the film after the festival to make it tighter, trimming nearly six minutes out of the film. The revised film was first shown at the 2012 Toronto International Film Festival, and was a co-winner, alongside Jason Buxton's Blackbird, of the festival's Best Canadian First Feature Film award.

Usage examples of "antiviral".

Two programs compete against each other, and the antiviral programs await the loser.

The full version of an antiviral program scans, analyzes, identifies, tracks, localizes, destroys, repairs, and reports.

But those acts raised the specter of the antiviral routines, and Gina was growing more frightened by the day at how far out of hand her behavior had gotten.

The movement made his upper arm throb where McCoy had only moments ago injected him with a dose of antiviral serum as he came aboard the bridge.

Feeling bitterly inadequate, she tried another broad-spectrum antibiotic, antiviral combination on him.

For a while, little was produced, although they did find some major antiviral agents and sufficient DNA-based cures for genetic defects and diseases and for the enhancement of plants and animals to feed an ever more populous world that in fact paid their budget and more.

He gave Stella the first injection, a broad-spectrum antiviral with multiplex immunoglobulin and B vitamins.

Treatment with a targeted antiviral would work best, and that requires a positive ID.

He sprayed his entire metal body with powerful disinfectant and antiviral chemicals, making certain to drench each joint and crease.

The administration wants to develop at least two antiviral drugs, a vaccine that everyone can take safely, and diagnostic tests and environmental detectors to remove this threat once and for all.

The telotaxis was programmed to self-destruct if detected by Pax antiviral programs, and to inoculate only if it received an unmistakable Core response.

Here back on Earth miracles were being performed, the sciences changing everything on a daily basis, and particularly the medical sciences, where the antivirals and the anticancer treatments and the cell rejuvenation treatments were all together adding up to some larger balking of death, mind-boggling in its implications.

That business Nan Elle had given her about disturbing the microsphere with antibiotics and antivirals must have come from a complete vapor-brain.

Cleaned up reasonably well, filled with broad spectrum antibiotics, antimycotics and antivirals, his arm and back sprayed with a light topical anesthetic and his system responding to a mild hypospray restorative, Riker had to admit the time taken was well spent.

Cleaned up reas onably well, filled with broad spectrum antibiotics, antimycotics and antivirals, his arm and back sprayed with a light topical anesthetic and his system responding to a mild hypospray restorative, Riker had to admit the time taken was well spent.