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a. Describing the rotor on the tail of a helicopter that prevents the helicopter from spinning in a direction opposite to that of the main rotor blades

Usage examples of "antitorque".

Passengers were not entitled to have access to the collective and cyclic, and the antitorque pedals were supposed to be cranked back far enough that the uninitiated did not accidentally push them with their feet.

I did not know, for example, that when you raise the collective and increase power, the helicopter will yaw to the right, meaning you have to depress your left antitorque pedal to counter the torque of the main rotor and keep the aircraft in trim, and as your altitude climbs, due to the pulling up on the collective, your speed decreases, meaning you have to push the cyclic forward.

He was pleased to see that it was a rotor craft with an antitorque system that eliminated the tail rotor.