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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
▪ In an age of compulsory wearing of uniforms, the zoot suit accomplished an antithetical stylization of the self.
▪ Ishmael, consequently, also investigates the antithetical approach, the method of pure subjective perception.
▪ Oddly enough, these two traditions are not antithetical.
▪ Their vision of society was collectivist, grass-roots oriented and utterly antithetical to the privatised and mortgaged paradise of Thatcherism.
▪ To pursue political objectives seriously, they must work with the very people whose religious beliefs are most antithetical to their own.
The Collaborative International Dictionary

Antithetic \An`ti*thet"ic\, Antithetical \An`ti*thet"ic*al\, a. Pertaining to antithesis, or opposition of words and sentiments; containing, or of the nature of, antithesis; contrasted.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

1580s, from Greek antithetikos "setting in opposition," from antithetos "placed in opposition" (see antithetic) + -al (1). Related: Antithetically.


a. Pertaining to antithesis, or opposition of words and sentiments; containing, or of the nature of, antithesis; contrasted.


adj. sharply contrasted in character or purpose; "practices entirely antithetical to her professed beliefs"; "hope is antithetic to despair" [syn: antithetic]

Usage examples of "antithetical".

Quietism, to the attainment of a Nirvana apart from and antithetical to the world of appearances.

It may be de rigueur in academic circles to moan about the myth of Sisyphus and the pointless futility of human existence, but such an attitude is antithetical to the principles of science fiction.

Sisyphus and the pointless futility of human existence, but such an attitude is antithetical to the principles of science fiction.

Along with the novel of plot and the novel of character, certain old-fashioned theorists of the novel would sometimes speak of the novel of ideas, implying that it was a special taste, and that there is something distinct, if not antithetical, about ideas and the kind of narrative pleasure one derives from less abstract and more simply suspenseful stones: what will happen next?

The problem with all of this is that the whole strategy is dangerous and antithetical to our strategic circumstances with Iraq.

BUT his personality is antithetical to the personality of the narcissistic parent.

Pauling, many scientists consider their job to be science, narrowly defined, and believe that engaging in politics or social criticism is not just a distraction from but antithetical to the scientific life.

Sol Bendish dressed antithetical to his Vegas-style crib: tweedy sports jackets, slacks with cuffs, Oxford cloth shirts, wingtips and white bucks.

He had closed his office door for this call, half because he had thought that he might lose his temper, half because he did not want his coworkers to know that he came from a neighborhood in which existed anything so totally antithetical to their world as a crack house.

For every action, some action of an antithetical type--but otherwise equal in every way--happens.

Crauford, in his favorite antithetical phrase, throwing himself in his attitude against the chimney-piece.

That intervention and occupation forces should not rely on collaborationist domestic minorities to maintain control responded to the awareness from the Balkan experience that such alliances are volatile, and may trigger uncontrollable interethnic conflict antithetical to the objective of a trouble-free occupation.

Many courtesies and offers of service were exchanged by Don Alvaro and Don Quixote, and in them the great Manchegan showed so much intelligence and sense that Don Alvaro was convinced he had been in error, and even came to believe he must have been enchanted, for he had touched two such antithetical Don Quixotes with his own hand.

The problem with all of this is that the whole strategy is dangerous and antithetical to our strategic circumstances with Iraq.

The two allies involved in the teachings were presented by don Juan as having a set of antithetical qualities.