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a. prevent or counteract terrorism, or reduce the threat from terrorism n. One who opposes terrorism.

Usage examples of "antiterrorist".

Shane Kilmara, security adviser to the Taoiseachthe Irish prime ministerand commander of the Rangers, the special Irish antiterrorist force, rose to meet him.

Ninety days after his appointment, as stipulated in his contract, Kilmara set up an elite special antiterrorist unit.

They were met by a Colonel Shearer, who commanded a Special Forces antiterrorist unit that had already been called to alert and was standing by.

Ferguson, Dillon, and Riley sat in the Daimler at the gate of Park Villa and watched armed police of the antiterrorist squad smash the front door down with their hammers and flood inside.

Colgate who sets up antiterrorist training exercises for military bases overseas.

Colonel Shane Kilmara, security adviser to the Taoiseachthe Irish prime ministerand commander of the Rangers, the special Irish antiterrorist force, rose to meet him.

Nonetheless, it seemed to him that it would be only a matter of time before one of the Western antiterrorist units started putting the pieces together.

In contrast, the forces of law and order, galvanized into action by the media and the weapons merchants, had invested in a massive array of antiterrorist gadgetry and weaponry.

He joined to be in the antiterrorist unit only, called up when needed after training.

Countries throughout Europe, Asia, and Latin America were providing tremendous assistance over the past twenty-four hours, and the president wanted Doron and Sa'id—particularly Sa'id—to see themselves as part of an international antiterrorist coalition, not simply as two warring parties trying to reconcile their seemingly irreconcilable differences.

I reiterate my call upon President Lawrence to immediately form the elite task force of antiterrorists I have been calling for.

He's an antiterrorist specialist with the Grupo del Cuartel General, Unidad Especial del Despliegue.

During the short photo session where no questions were permitted because of antiterrorist strategies, Herbert Dennison absently withdrew a small bottle of Maalox from his pocket and drank from it.

And because Remo would not listen or try to understand the proverb about the dogs, and because he arrogantly had gone ahead to Teterboro Airport, the three colonels were dead and the antiterrorist pact set back for, only God knew, how long a period of time.

He could be wooly-minded: for all his talk about being an antiterrorist expert, still he worked for the CIA, which was probably the largest group of terrorists in the world.