n. 1 A space or region that violates the norms or conventions of spaces. 2 (context mathematics English) A kind of topological space.
Usage examples of "antispace".
As Anderson coasted in for a landing, I could see the surface of the huge asteroid now fairly bristled with antispace disruptors— as well as wrecked Leaguer starships.
And it was the duality of universes, each exhibiting a spacetime decomposed into two discrete dimensions, which gave rise to the two-way duality manifested by tweedles and antitweedles: Dums, dees, antidums, and antidees were simply spacelike, timelike, antispacelike, and antitimelike projections of the same fundamental entity existing in the timeless, spaceless domain of tweedlespace.
All the new antispace fortifications, the perpetual assaults by coercion gas on any and every suspected or detected Earth-ling site-these were things insisted upon by the Suzerain of Beam and Talon, and this early in the occupation it was hard to refuse the military commander anything it thought needed.
Now if they scrapped this bucket some damn fool antispace senator would scream that we're wasting taxpayers' money.
All the new antispace fortifications, the perpetual assaults by coercion gas on any and every suspected or detected Earth-ling site—these were things insisted upon by the Suzerain of Beam and Talon, and this early in the occupation it was hard to refuse the military commander anything it thought needed.