The Collaborative International Dictionary
Antiseptically \An`ti*sep"tic*al*ly\, adv. By means of antiseptics.
adv. 1 In an antiseptic manner. 2 Regarding antisepsis.
Usage examples of "antiseptically".
The luckless shaven-haired monkey or rat, guinea pig or dog bent on renouncing the laboratory world for ever found itself opening its eyes on it once more from the antiseptically scrubbed floor of its cage, its drinking vessel freshly charged, its dressings ingeniously barred from investigation, its recovery a command - even, if necessary, its benefactor would minister long hours overtime to make sure it was carried out.
Before dinner the slat and chink of sky light softly percolating through the boned grey dome, the vagrant hemispheres spored with blue-egged nuclei coagulating, ramifying, in the one basket lobsters, in the other the germination of a world antiseptically personal and absolute.