a. Acting to combat or prevent racism n. Opposition to racism
Usage examples of "antiracism".
In response to this theoretical position, then, modern antiracism positions itself against the notion of biological essentialism, and insists that differences among the races are constituted instead by social and cultural forces.
He did this from a podium in a ballroom of the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel, rented by Affirmative Housing II, as an antiracism workshop.
Coming from directors and actors whom the South and the Heartland have revered, this approach probably had more effect than the more overt antiracism of directors such as Norman Jewison or Denzel Washington.
The opposite of racism is antiracism, of course, or what we might call racial idealism or equalitarianism, and it is still not clear whether it will prevail.
The new antiracism forged in its flames would dominate Northern thinking for a decade.
Even more than in 1864, when Republicans swept Congress in 1866 antiracism became the policy of the nation, agreed to by most of its voters.