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antiques shop

n. (alternative form of antique shop English)

Usage examples of "antiques shop".

The trip to the antiques shop on the previous day was also worrisome.

Then he'd gone into the antiques shop, and one of the watchers, who had been passing on the opposite side of the street, saw the shop owner take the fishing lure out of the window.

He'd ended up with the twelve-piece setting of china, the sterling silver service, a signed Salvador Dali print, and a rent-controlled apartment on the Upper East Side, while I had two plastic plates, a fork and three bent spoons, a one-room apartment over an antiques shop—.

I pass an antiques shop, a bakery, a bank, another antiques shop.

There he directed Celeste to a display of fine woolen dresses in the Venetian colors of sea aquamarine and sky indigo, while he glanced through a corner window at the antiques shop across the street.

The tick stopped at an antiques shop, stood just outside its open doorway, chatting with the woman owner.

Like, last year, some old witch died and her tea set was sold to an antiques shop.

She paused, looked at herself in a mirror sitting in an antiques shop window, the words wholesale only larger than the name of the place.

It was an odd thing he'd found in an antiques shop the day before.