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n. (plural of antimacassar English)

Usage examples of "antimacassars".

Apart from the antimacassars on the two leather chairs and the long couch fronting the fire, the velvet mantel-border, and the deep be-tasselled pelmet bordering the faded blue velvet curtains at the long window, it had an austere appearance.

Blood on the carpet, blood on the armchairs and antimacassars, even a little blood spurtled on to the wall, and what was worse, Mrs.

He fetched a pail of water and washed out all the stains of blood, gathered up the two antimacassars and fetched clean ones from the other rooms.

There was a sofa in the room, but it was horsehair, with high ends both alike, not comfortable, which were covered with curious complications called antimacassars, that slipped off directly they were touched, so that anybody who leaned upon them was engaged continually in warfare with them, picking them up from the floor or spreading them out again.

Furthermore, it had special antimacassars, which were a work of art, and Mrs.

Two arm-chairs were draped with long white antimacassars, ready to slip off at a touch.

But it was an oddly se date room, full of old, comfortabl-looking furniture brightened with throw pillows and antimacassars and a few odditles--a brass peacock umbrella stand in one comer, an unused brown candle shaped like a turkey on a table, a strange tree-shaped light consmwted of artistically bound fiber-optic threads, a clumsy crayon drawing of two stick people, one large and one small, elegantly framed and hanging prominently on a wall.

James glanced over at a puffy plush chair, with its layers and layers of antimacassars, and then shook his head.

Lily noticed that the antimacassars on the arm of the wing chair in which Andy had been sitting when she entered the big parlor had been picked up and put down.

He was almost glad the house was so dark because he felt ridiculous: sitting here in his blacked-out raid wear, Kevlar vest, and bloused BDU pants, surrounded by lace antimacassars, crochet work, and frilly doilies.