n. (context mostly scifi English) The hypothetical antipartner of a graviton.
Usage examples of "antigraviton".
The only way to keep them from replacing themselves is to isolate them in an antigraviton beam.
Destroying the antigraviton beam and preventing the Dominion from pulling down the minefield was a simple gesture upon which the lives of uncounted billions of people rested, and Odo was casting off its importance as a general nothing.
Instantly he said, "Destroying the antigraviton beam to prevent the Dominion from taking down the minefield.
Pressure to bring down the minefield had finally become inexorable, and this coincided, luckily or unluckily, with Damar's idea to use the station's deflectors as an antigraviton weapon against the mines.
Sisko said instantly, "fight our way to Deep Space Nine, and destroy that antigraviton emitter.
The only way to keepthem from replacing themselves is to isolate them inan antigraviton beam.
Destroying the antigraviton beam and preventingthe Dominion from pulling down the minefield wasa simple gesture upon which the lives of uncountedbillions of people rested, and Odo was casting off itsimportance as a general nothing.
Instantly he said, "Destroying the antigravitonbeam to prevent the Dominion from taking downthe minefield.
Pressure to bring down the minefield hadfinally become inexorable, and this coincided, luck-ily or unluckily, with Damar's idea to use thestation's deflectors as an antigraviton weaponagainst the mines.
Sisko said instantly,"fight our way to Deep Space Nine, and destroy thatantigraviton emitter.