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a. Opposed to the political or cultural establishment

Usage examples of "antiestablishment".

He had entertained the idea of incorporating the asteroid occupants into his own staff, reckoning on their antiestablishment tendencies.

Consider, in the past century, the gaudy excesses of the roaring twenties and the antiestablishment contempt of the sixties.

Jamie realized, even for a long-haired, antiestablishment legal aid attorney.

Rampantly pro-worker and antiestablishment, the doctor nevertheless had a smooth professional manner, an excellent education, a thriving practice, and knew the right noises to make.

And deliberately he concentrated on the antiestablishment, kill-the-Man rhetoric on the radio.

Hathaw was spouting was really bogus, but she kind of liked th movement because it was antiestablishment the way sE was.

Avery had been saddled with in the aftermath of her college fiasco as a corrupt, antiestablishment, rabble-rousing zealot who wanted to stick it to the system.

By the end of that third night, Adrian seemed convinced of her antiestablishment tendencies.

But the Bullies also, of course, represent an antiestablishment, and-for lack of a better word-revolutionary, option.

Altus stood up and strode across the floor of his office, the burden of his job during these days of generation gap, antiestablishment, racial tensions and downright rebellion deepening the lines of his face.

Sam had wanted to give the company an antiestablishment name like General Egocentric or Hewlett-Hacker, but she had stubbornly resisted.

He was antiestablishment, antimilitary, antieverything her life had become, and yet she couldn't put him from her mind.

Now Russ operants tend antiestablishment because "elitist phenom operancy" remains suspect under Marxist dogmatism.