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n. (context mathematics English) A subset of a partially ordered set such that any two elements in the subset are incomparable.


In mathematics, in the area of order theory, an antichain is a subset of a partially ordered set such that any two elements in the subset are incomparable. (Some authors use the term "antichain" to mean strong antichain, a subset such that there is no element of the poset smaller than two distinct elements of the antichain.)

Let S be a partially ordered set. We say two elements a and b of a partially ordered set are comparable if ab or ba. If two elements are not comparable, we say they are incomparable; that is, x and y are incomparable if neither xy nor yx.

A chain in S is a subset C of S in which each pair of elements is comparable; that is, C is totally ordered. An antichain in S is a subset A of S in which each pair of different elements is incomparable; that is, there is no order relation between any two different elements in A.