n. firing at enemy aircraft
Usage examples of "antiaircraft fire".
The antiaircraft fire would knock down a few planes, but only a few.
A few times, the turbulence was so bad they thought they had been hit by antiaircraft fire.
He hadn't liked flying over Britain, either, and for much that same reason: more and more Tosevite jets in the air, along with antiaircraft fire that seemed thick enough to let him get out of his killercraft and walk from one shell burst to the next.
No other means than antiaircraft fire was available to protect Edinburgh.
It passed two of the Norwegian frigates on the way-both ships sent up a wall of antiaircraft fire that lit up the overcast Mediterranean sky.
Bagnall had been involved in dropping countless tons of bombs and had been on the receiving end of more antiaircraft fire than he cared to think about, but this was the first time he’.
The bad news is that they do it noisily and can draw antiaircraft fire.
He was a genial, magnanimous lead navigator who could always forgive the other man in the squadron for denouncing him furiously each time he got lost on a combat mission and led them over concentrations of antiaircraft fire.
Every so often, antiaircraft fire would splotch the air below and behind him with black puffs of smoke.
If they were low in the valley, though, the SAR forces might be exposed to heavy antiaircraft fire from guns sited on the high terrain.
Lawrence doesn't see any antiaircraft fire going up, doesn't see any familiar planes in the air.
Our air defense around Caen opened antiaircraft fire immediately, bringing down a bomber.