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n. (alternative spelling of antimatter English)

Usage examples of "anti-matter".

The Kzin knew much about relativity weapons, anti-matter, neutron bombs, gravity planers, heat induction and now, as a result of contact with humans, the lethal properties of ramscoop fields and reaction drives in general.

Lots of old valve-radio parts, whirring cogs and clicking mechanisms, all beavering away at the ionization of beta particles, thus creating a positronic catalyst, which bombarded an isotope with gamma radiation, giving rise to galvanic variations and the transperambulation of pseudo-cosmic anti-matter.

It was here that the residual effects of the magnetic fields used to channel the matter and anti-matter to their combustion chambers coalesce.

If you tried to run an engine, like this, it would explode, because tachyons are also generated that spin negatively and they are anti-matter -- they annihilate positive matter.

Frank spoke from the elevated, almost Olympian level of dispassion due to the five tranks he'd taken already this anti-matter.

This will be the way to obtain an indefinitely large supply of anti-matter which can then be used to power the kind of ships that would make interstellar travel possible.