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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Anti-American \An`ti-A*mer"i*can\, a. Opposed to the Americans, their aims, or interests, or to the genius of American institutions.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

also antiamerican, 1788 (n.), in reference to British parliamentary policies, from anti- + American. As an adjective by 1838. Related: Anti-Americanism "opposition to what is distinctly American," 1844.


a. 1 Opposing America. 2 Opposing American values.


adj. opposed to the United States and its policies [ant: pro-American]

Usage examples of "anti-american".

Saigon told of progressive crumbling, riots, corruption, anti-American sentiment, neutralist movement by the Buddhists.

Denounced by the Communists as a useless prolonging of the civil war, this aid was used to generate a wave of anti-American feeling in the weary populace.

If they found these new States fiercely anti-American and extremely unprogressive, they would experience that aggravation of their difficulties with which our statesmen have had to deal.

I have already attempted to bring the problem home to an American by suggesting that the Dutch of New York had trekked west and founded an anti-American and highly unprogressive State.

During the 1967 Arab-Israeli War, there was anti-American rioting in Bahrain and Saudi Arabia that caused considerable damage to many American businesses.

If Washington refuses to project its diplomatic and military power to contain the Malaysian-produced Islamic threat in Asia, there is a danger that the United States and Australia will soon face anti-American and anti-Israeli blocs, Rubenstein insisted.

The Carter administration in 1977, responding to anti-American protests in Panama, decided to renegotiate the treaty.

The Carter administration later accepted him into the country, presumably for medical treatment, and the anti-American feelings of the revolutionaries reached a high point.

Sentimentally, the majority of people in this world would far rather be in a tie-up with Russia than with America, and it is possible to imagine situations in which the popular cause would become the anti-American cause.

Their message has focused on anti-American and anticapitalist tenets, rather than the anarchistic overthrow of the government, which has found a degree of support within a fragment of the population's youth.

In the middle class, the people who are not anti-American are the declassed technician type (people like radio engineers) and the younger intelligentsia.

A college football stadium on the Fourth of July in 1970 is not the smartest place to carry anti-American signs and shout Maoist slogans, and this noisy group had naturally attracted an adversary force of right-wing counterparts.

Others less inclined to turn the other cheek forthrightly assign the blame to the Vietnamese Communists alone, denouncing the anti-American extremists who labor to detect lingering ambiguities.