Crossword clues for anti
- Dissenter's prefix
- Definitely not a pro
- Counter's cousin?
- Corrosive beginning?
- Contra- kin
- Climactic intro
- Arguing against
- ABM component?
- 2016 Rihanna album featuring "Work"
- 2016 Rihanna album with the top 10 single "Needed Me"
- "Social" beginning
- "Freeze" intro
- ''Social'' leader
- Word with biotic or freeze
- Word with American and choice, in modern-day politics
- With the enemy, perhaps
- With the cons
- War or pollution prefix
- War opening?
- War front?
- Voting with the cons
- Voting to repeal, say
- Voting 'no'
- Voting 'nay'
- Voting ''no'' on
- Voting ''no''
- Virus opening?
- Viral opening?
- Very much against
- Vehemently against
- Unwilling to stand up for
- Unsupportive sort
- Unsupportive one
- U.S. : counter(clockwise) :: U.K. : ___(clockwise)
- Thesis start?
- The "A" of NSAID
- Tank or trust lead-in
- Start to trust
- Start to freeze
- Start for pasto or freeze
- Start for lock or knock
- Start for "pasto" or "freeze"
- Start for "pasto" or "body"
- Start for "pasto," "matter" or "freeze"
- Start for "matter" or "hero"
- Start for "body" or "histamine"
- Standing against
- Someone opposed
- Social or septic starter
- Social leader?
- Skid starter
- Septic or social starter
- Semi-pro? Not quite
- Second group in a voice vote
- Rihanna's smash album of 2016
- Rihanna's most recent album
- Rihanna album with the hit "Work"
- Rihanna album with the hit "Needed Me"
- Rihanna album with "Work" and "Woo"
- Rihanna album with "Work" and "Kiss It Better"
- Rihanna album whose title is a common prefix
- Protest-march participant
- Pros opposite
- Productive start?
- Pro's opposer
- Pro- opposite
- Pro opposer
- Pro debater
- Prefix with war or crime
- Prefix with trust or rust
- Prefix with trust or matter
- Prefix with trust and rust
- Prefix with trust
- Prefix with tank
- Prefix with ship or slip
- Prefix with septic
- Prefix with quark or shark
- Prefix with proton or ballistic
- Prefix with perspirant
- Prefix with nuclear or freeze
- Prefix with log or smog
- Prefix with lock and hero
- Prefix with jam or spam
- Prefix with discrimination
- Prefix with christ or pope
- Prefix with Christ
- Prefix with bacterial or ballistic
- Prefix with "virus"
- Prefix with "trust" or "rust"
- Prefix with "trust" and "freeze"
- Prefix with "thesis" or "dote"
- Prefix with "skid" or "thesis"
- Prefix with "skid" or "lock"
- Prefix with "skid"
- Prefix with "rust" or "trust"
- Prefix with "matter" or "social"
- Prefix with "matter" or "skid"
- Prefix with "lock" or "freeze"
- Prefix with "lock" and "social"
- Prefix with "knock" or "freeze"
- Prefix with "inflammatory"
- Prefix with "climax"
- Prefix with "climactic"
- Prefix with "body" or "matter"
- Prefix with "body" or "corrosion"
- Prefix with "body"
- Prefix with "bodies"
- Prefix with "biotic"
- Prefix with "anxiety"
- Prefix with ''body'' or ''corrosion''
- Prefix that's the opposite of "pro-"
- Prefix that indicates opposition to something
- Prefix of negativity
- Prefix meaning against
- Prefix meaning ''opposed to''
- Prefix in this puzzle's title
- Prefix for war or social
- Prefix for war or dote
- Prefix for trust
- Prefix for someone who's not pro-something
- Prefix for social or trust
- Prefix for repellents
- Prefix for perspirant
- Prefix for pasto
- Prefix for oxidant
- Prefix for objectors
- Prefix for inflammatory
- Prefix for freeze or oxidant
- Prefix for freeze or climactic
- Prefix for ballistic
- Prefix for aircraft and trust
- Prefix for "virus" or "toxin"
- Prefix for "venom"
- Prefix for "social" or "climax"
- Prefix for "social"
- Prefix for "septic" or "oxidant"
- Prefix for "oxidant" or "biotic"
- Prefix for "oxidant"
- Prefix for "matter"
- Prefix for "intellectual" or "depressant"
- Prefix for "inflammatory" or "oxidant"
- Prefix for "gravity" or "depressant"
- Prefix for "gravity"
- Prefix for "disestablishmentarianism"
- Prefix for "discrimination"
- Prefix for "climax" or "oxidant"
- Prefix for "climax" or "inflammatory"
- Prefix for "climactic" or "freeze"
- Prefix for "body" or "biotic"
- Precedes matter and hero
- Precedes knock or social
- Position for the opposition
- Policy opposer
- Policy opponent
- Person in opposition
- Part of NSAID
- Part of an auto's ABS
- Part of ADL
- Oxidant starter
- Oppositional one
- Opposition position
- Opposite: prefix
- Opposing position
- Opposing at the outset?
- Opposed to
- Opposed to, informally
- Opposed to a pro
- Opposed party
- One who's not a pro?
- One who votes no
- One who isn't a pro
- One set against
- One saying "Don't do it!"
- One in the "no" column
- One fighting something
- On the con side
- Obstructing, maybe
- Objecting one
- Not yet pro, perhaps
- Not having a supporting role?
- Not even semi-pro?
- Not at all pro
- Not a source of support for
- Nonconformist's prefix?
- Non pro
- No party
- No one?
- No body?
- Negative person?
- Multiplatinum 2016 Rihanna album
- Motion opposer
- Motion opponent
- Motion foe
- Mitigating prefix
- Matter's beginning
- Matter starter
- Matter or hero prefix
- Lock or knock starter
- Lock or knock attachment
- Lining up against
- Like the cons
- Like some activists
- Like contrarians
- Like a dissenter
- Like a "no" voter
- Less-than-climactic start?
- Lead-in to government or body
- Lead-in for body
- Knock or social attachment
- Knock opener?
- Knock intro
- Kind of Semitism behind the Iron Curtain
- Just not that into
- It precedes knock or social
- It means "disapproving of"
- It means "combatting"
- It means "averse to"
- It means "against'
- It means "adverse to"
- Inflammatory opening?
- In the con camp
- Histamine preceder
- Histamine opener
- Hero's intro
- Henry Fonda, at the beginning of "Twelve Angry Men"
- He's up against it
- He's against it
- He could turn pro
- Freeze start?
- Freeze preceder?
- Freeze or matter front
- Freeze or dote preceder
- Foe's position
- Foe of a pro
- Filibusterer, e.g
- Fighting with
- Far from favoring
- Establishment opening?
- Enemy's position
- Dissenting voter
- Dissenting position
- Disestablishmentarianism beginning
- Difficult-to-convince person
- Cousin of ''contra-''
- Counter's kin
- Counter- kin
- Contrary voter
- Contrary position
- Contrary beginning?
- Contra- cousin
- Contra kin
- Con's stance
- Con's position
- Con kin
- Climactic opening
- Climactic lead-in
- Climactic beginning?
- Christ or freeze leader
- Certainly not pro
- Certainly not for
- Capitol Hill con
- C(l)o(w)n (bit)
- Boycotting, perhaps
- Body or knock lead-in
- Body or corrosion beginning
- Body lead-in
- Bill killer's position
- Be opposed
- Attachment for "trust" or "social"
- Apt to vote no
- An opponent of
- Aircraft prefix
- Aircraft opening?
- Against from the start?
- Against (which appears amidst the five long Across answers)
- Adverse beginning
- ADL part
- 2016 Rihanna album with the single "Work"
- 2016 Rihanna album with the hit "Work"
- 2016 #1 Rihanna album
- 2016 #1 album for Rihanna
- (Person who is) not in favour
- "Virus" prefix
- "Trust" lead-in
- "Thesis" start
- "Social" starter
- "Social" prefix
- "Pro" opposite
- "Pro" opponent in a debate
- "Pro" foe
- "Opposed" prefix
- "No" person
- "No" body?
- "Inflammatory" prefix
- "Freeze" tag?
- "Freeze" starter
- "Freeze" or "dote" preceder
- "Freeze" beginning
- "Freeze" attachment
- "Dote" preceder
- "Contra" relative
- "Contra-" relative
- "Climactic" lead-in
- "Bodies" start
- "Against" prefix
- 'Nay' sayer
- 'Nay' caller
- ''No'' voter
- ''Matter'' or ''hero'' prefix
- __-skid brakes
- ___-lock braking system
- ___-inflammatory diet
- ___-aging wrinkle cream
- Oppositionist
- Opposed to: Prefix
- Voting nay
- Against: Prefix
- One who's "agin" it
- Not for
- One against
- Nay sayer
- Opponent's prefix
- Opposing voice
- Prefix with skid
- Con man?
- Side in a debate
- "No" voter
- Detractor
- Opposer's prefix
- The "A" of ABM
- Dead against
- Naysaying
- Part of ABM
- Debate side
- Hostile to
- One doing a con job?
- Voting no on
- No voter
- The "A" in ABM
- Not pro-
- Voting "no" on
- Leaning against
- Not backing
- One opposed
- Prefix with nuke or freeze
- Prefix with knock or lock
- Prefix with lock or knock
- Non-pro?
- Pro's rival
- Naysayer's view
- Prefix with disestablishmentarianism
- Not supporting
- Social introduction?
- Fighting against
- Start to freeze?
- Debate position
- Lock opener?
- Agin it
- Not a pro
- Dissenter's position
- Pro's opposite
- Member of the other side
- One who hasn't turned pro?
- Voting "nay"
- Cousin of contra-
- Pro's foe
- Not behind?
- Pro fighter?
- Picketer, perhaps
- One side of a debate
- Prefix with trust or social
- Like some debaters
- Hostile one
- ___-inflammatory drugs
- No pro
- One side in a debate
- Planning to vote no
- Pro foe
- Prefix with body or gravity
- Voting second in a voice vote
- Dead set against
- Bucking
- Prefix with matter
- Prefix with inflammatory
- Objecting to
- Protester's position
- Not having gone pro?
- Prefix with thesis
- What may start climactically?
- Beginning to knock?
- Opposition leader?
- Like con men?
- Start to matter?
- War head?
- Voting against
- Prefix with lock or skid
- ___-G suit
- Prefix with septic or tank
- Pro competitor
- 2016 #1 album by Rihanna
- Relative of contra-
- Set against
- One in opposition
- ___-aging cream
- Contrarian
- Nay voter
- Rihanna's 2016 ___ World Tour
- Not a fan of
- Rihanna album featuring "Work"
- 37-Down caller
- Contrary one
- Prefix with tank or trust
- Peruvian Indian
- Negative prefix
- Climax lead-in
- Member of the opposition
- Aircraft starter
- Adverse beginning?
- Prefix for trust or thesis
- Nay man
- Toxin preceder
- Prefix for body or type
- Prefix for matter
- No man
- He opposes pros
- Prefix for hero or knock
- Climax preceder
- Of the opposition
- Prefix with body or dote
- One not in favor
- Prefix with social or trust
- ___-Saloon League
- Rivaling: Prefix
- Volsteader, re Repeal
- Prefix with freeze or knock
- Missile or tank starter
- Prefix for dote or freeze
- One on the "nay" side
- Filibusterer, e.g.
- Counter: Prefix
- Supporter's antithesis
- Prefix with slavery
- Prefix for toxin or dote
- He's opposed to the pros
- Prefix for body or tank
- Uncooperative one
- He's no yes man
- Prefix for disestablishmentarianism
- Opponent of
- Prefix for macassar
- Opposed: Prefix
- Prefix with bodies
- Prefix for septic or social
- Prefix with freeze or hero
- Pro's opponent
- Prefix with aircraft
- Con's kin
- Enemy caught by Tasmanian tiger
- Opposition recruit Napoli’s centre back
- Opposed to social worker removing kids from Sid
- Opposed to local migrant integration
- Opposed to European time frames
- Opposed to conservationists blocking artificial insemination
- Opposed to books about sloth? On the contrary
- Opposed to books being dumped in main road
- One against physician tickling nurses
- Against, informally
- Worker perhaps, one not pro
- Worker one finds hostile
- Wine cocktails shaken the wrong way?
- Not in favour
- Fancy diet not a cure
- Averse to one praying to cast off M&S clothing
- Against bikini bottom covered in fake tan
- Adversary in Satan, ticklish
- Books in excellent political opponent
- Boatman backs a worker resisting
- Prefix for freeze that means "against"
- Prefix meaning "against"
- Virus prefix
- Not in favor of
- Negative voter
- Part 3 of today's quote
- Opposition member
- "Climactic" intro
- ___-lock brakes (auto safety feature)
- Prefix for virus
- Oppositional prefix
- Wheel connectors
- Person opposed
- Not in favor
- ''Nay!'' sayer
- Thumbs down
- Opposite of pro-
- Kin of contra-
- Adamantly against
- "Nay!" sayer
- Prefix for social or freeze
- A demonstrated position?
- "Matter" or "hero" prefix
- Thorn in the establishment's side
- Support withholder
- Start to knock?
- Social starter?
- Proposal opponent
- Prefix meaning "opposed to"
- Planning to vote "no"
- Opposing side
- He's no pro
- Freeze front?
- Climax beginning?
- Climactic opening?
- On the other side
- Prefix that means "against"
- Prefix like contra-
- Opposing opinion
- One who's against
- In opposition to
- Climactic intro?
- Beginning to freeze?
- "Nay" sayer
- Sure to vote against
- Social opening?
- Side in an argument
- Pro's adversary
- Prefix with "trust" or "matter"
- Prefix with "trust" and "rust"
- Prefix with "trust" or "toxin"
- Prefix for lock
- Prefix for "freeze" or "biotic"
- Opposed one
- Not even a semipro?
- Kind of matter or pasto
- Beginning to matter?
- ABM part
- Starter like contra-
- Proposal foe
- Prefix with "social" or "freeze"
- Prefix for the opposed
- Partisan leader?
- One on the con side
- Not a supporter of
- Inflammatory beginning?
- In a negative camp
- Disapproving of
- Debater's position, perhaps
- Climactic start?
- "Social" or "septic" starter
- "Body" or "social" start
- ___-Defamation League
- Thumbs-down voter
- Thesis opener?
- Prefix with knock or nuke
- Prefix with "knock" or "lock"
- Prefix with "bacterial"
- Prefix that means the opposite of "pro-"
- Prefix similar to "contra-"
- Prefix meaning "opposed"
- Prefix meaning ''against''
- Prefix for bodies
- Prefix for "perspirant" on a deodorant label
- Opposition prefix
- Opposition party member
- One who opposes
- One who objects
- Not with
- Not in support of
- Negative one
- Inclined to fight
- Dissenting one
- Body opening?
- Beginning to trust?
- Averse to
- Apt to say nay
- Aircraft beginning
- 'No' voter
- __-lock brakes
- Word with trust or social
- Voting to reject
- Thesis intro?
- Strongly against
- Start to trust?
- Start to tank
- Start to lock
- Start for hero or body
- Start for "knock" or "lock"
- Social opener?
- Rihanna's 2016 album with the #1 single "Work"
- Proposal opposer
- Pro opposite, sometimes
- Pro fighter
- Prefix with war or hero
- Prefix with virus or toxin
- Prefix with particle
- Prefix with hero or matter
- Prefix with "trust" or "social"
- Prefix with "septic"
- Prefix with "lock" or "knock"
- Prefix with "lock" and "freeze"
- Prefix with "freeze"
- Prefix with ''skid''
- Prefix that means "opposed to"
- Prefix for the opposition
- Prefix for septic or freeze that means "against"
- Prefix for climactic
- Prefix for "septic" or "social"
- Prefix for "perspirant" on deodorant packaging
- Prefix for "biotic"
- Prefix for ''bodies''
- Opposition's position
- Opposite of "pro-"
- Opposing prefix
- Opposed to, at first?
- One voting no
- One of the opposition
- Naysayer's position
- Matter or freeze start
- Matter or body start
- Lock opening?
- Knock or social preceder
- It means "opposing"
- It means "opposed"
- Freeze starter
- Freeze beginning
- Foe's stand
- Dote preceder
The Collaborative International Dictionary
Anti \An"ti\ [Gr. ? against. See Ante.] A prefix meaning against, opposite or opposed to, contrary, or in place of; -- used in composition in many English words. It is often shortened to ant-; as, antacid, antarctic.
Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary
as a stand-alone word, attested from 1788, originally in reference to the anti-federalists in U.S. politics (in the 1830s, of the Anti-Masonic party); as an adjective, from 1857. From anti- in various usages.
a. (context chemistry English) That has a torsion angle between 90° and 180° n. A person opposed to a concept or principle. prep. (context rare English) A word used before a noun or noun phrase to indicate opposition to the concept expressed by the noun or noun phrase. (rfex)
adj. not in favor of (an action or proposal etc.) [ant: pro]
Anti may refer to:
- Anti (mythology), the ferryman who carried Isis to Set's island in Egyptian mythology
- Änti, or Antaeus, half-giant in Greek and Berber mythology
- Áńt’į, or corpse powder, Navajo folkloric substance made from powdered corpses
- ANTI – Contemporary Art Festival, a yearly international live-art festival held in Kuopio, Finland
- Antiparticle, a particle with the same mass but opposite charges in particle physics
- Anti addition in organic chemistry
- Anti conformation, in alkane stereochemistry
- Anti, as a prefix meaning "against"
In Egyptian mythology, Anti (Antaeus in Greek, but probably not connected to the Antaeus in Greek mythology) was a god whose worship centred at Antaeopolis, in the northern part of Upper Egypt.
His worship is quite ancient, dating from at least the 2nd dynasty, at which point he already had priests dedicated to his cult. Originally, Anti appears to have been the patron of the ancient area around Badari, which was the centre of the cult of Horus. Due to lack of surviving information, it is not very well known what the original function of Anti was, or whether he was more than just a title of Horus referring to some specific function.
Over time, he became considered simply as the god of ferrymen, and was consequently depicted as a falcon standing on a boat, a reference to Horus, who was originally considered as a falcon. As god of ferrymen, he gained the title Nemty, meaning (one who) travels. His later cult centre Antaeopolis was known as Per-Nemty (House of Nemty).
Anti appears in the tale The Contendings of Horus and Seth which describes the settlement of the inheritance of Osiris, seen as a metaphor for the conquest of Lower Egypt by Upper Egypt (whose patron was Seth), at the beginning of the Old Kingdom. In this tale, one of Seth's attempts to gain power consists of his gathering together the gods, and providing good arguments, convincing all of them (in later traditions, all except Thoth). Seth fears magical intervention by Isis, Horus' wife (in early Egyptian mythology), and so holds the gathering on an island, instructing Anti not to allow anyone resembling Isis to be ferried there. However, Isis disguises herself as an old woman, and unknowingly Anti takes her across after being paid a gold ring, having rejected the first offer of gruel, resulting in the disruption of the council by her use of magic. Anti is punished for his error, by having his toes cut off, which is more severe than it appears, since as a falcon, he would no longer be able to perch, and thus would not be able to reside on the boat.
ANTI is an obsolete computer virus affecting Apple Macintosh computers running early System versions up to Mac OS 8.1. It is particularly notable for being the first Macintosh virus not to create additional resources within infected files; instead, it patches any existing resource that has an ID of 1 and begins with a JSR instruction (generally the Main resource in a given application).
The virus carries no payload, and thus can exist and spread indefinitely without being noticed until an anti-virus program is run. It can not spread if MultiFinder is running. Based on the virus's design, Danny Schwendener of ETH Zurich hypothesised that it had been intended to form part of a copy protection scheme, but the author of the virus is unknown.
Anti is the eighth studio album by Barbadian singer Rihanna. It was released on January 28, 2016, through Westbury Road and Roc Nation. The singer began planning the record in 2014, at which time she left her previous label Def Jam and joined Roc Nation. Work continued into 2015, during which she released three singles, including the internationally acclaimed " FourFiveSeconds"; they were ultimately removed from the final track listing. Anti was made available for free digital download on January 28 through Tidal and was released to online music stores for paid purchase on January 29. The album was released to physical retailers on February 5.
As executive producer, Rihanna contributed to most of the album's lyrics and collaborated with producers including Jeff Bhasker, Boi-1da, DJ Mustard, Hit-Boy, Brian Kennedy, Timbaland and No I.D. to achieve her desired sound. The efforts resulted in a departure from Rihanna's previous dance and club music genres and created a primarily pop and R&B album, with elements of dancehall and soul. The producers incorporated dark, sparsely layered, minimalist song structures, while most of Antis lyrics dealt with the complexities of romantic love and self-assurance. The album received generally favorable reviews from music critics who praised Rihanna's vocals, confidence and the artistic freedom she presented on the record. However, some of them criticized it for lacking cohesion.
Anti peaked within the top-ten on over 25 national albums charts. Two days after its release, it was certified platinum by the Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA) as a result of Samsung purchasing one million copies of the album in advance that were then given away as a free download, copies which were not recognized by Nielsen and Billboard. However, Anti still peaked at number one in its second week on the US Billboard 200 chart with 166,000 equivalent-album units sold. The album also peaked at number one on the Norwegian Albums Chart and the Canadian Albums Chart where it was certified gold by Music Canada. " Work", featuring Canadian rapper Drake, was released as the lead single from Anti; it peaked at number one on the US Billboard Hot 100 and became Rihanna's 14th number one single on the chart. To further promote the album, she embarked on the Anti World Tour in March 2016.
Usage examples of "anti".
At this my bile overpowered me, and I was going to seize him anti throw him out of the window, when Don Antonio Grimaldi came in.
So that is how this anti- war activist, a near- blind, bumbling draftee, became a second lieutenant leading an army platoon in the war against Japan in the South Pacific.
Cohn, Roy, 156 Cold war, 46-47, 67-68, 102, 107-8, 139, 170: see also Soviet Union Colson, Charles, 208 Columbia University, 8, 10, 32, 33, 42, 45-49, 50, 52, 55, 97, 99, 100, 127, 139-40, 148, 160-61, 221 Columbus, Christopher, 142-43 Commentary, 79-80, 88, 118-19, 120, 127, 136, 141-46, 151, 160, 162-63, 164, 169-70, 172, 175, 176, 181-82, 194-95, 205, 222, 231 Communism, 73-78, 82-89, 142, 144, 168, 224: see also Marxism Americanization of, 76 anti-, 101-6 in mainstream politics, 180-81 Roosevelt and, 73-74 utopianism and, 178 Vietnam and, 172, 173, 174 WW II and, 83-89, 90, 92 Congress for Cultural Freedom, 104 Constitution, U.
CHAPTER 6 STEAL OF EMPIRE Swith vacillated in his support betz,een the Consei-vative anti Libem1pai-ties, equally disloyal to both and trusted by neither.
CHAPTER 6 STEAL OF EMPIRE Swith vacillated in his support betz,een the Consei-vative anti Libem1pai-ties, equally disloyal to both and trusted by neither.
Antis Ecundor Newand Dangor Esthonia Dominica Bulgaria Reunion Italy Newfoundland Germany Luxemberg Angola Sarawak Tasmania Brazil Obock Oldenburg Kiauchau Tonga Obock Madagascar Egypt Afghanistan Trinidad Monaco Inhambane Denmark Nyassa Iceland Gabon Hayti Tunis The ink had not dried before The Shadow had completed the rapid listing.
Heinrich was not an anti - Nazi, whatever Bandelman Jung thought, or wanted others to think he thought.
Finn, and they cannot afford to compromise their reputations and their futures by becoming entangled with those Meadows people and their anti intellectual message.
He had a different coloured pass for each of the various offices, but he had returned to the converted primary school in Hackney where he had worked the previous day and which housed minesweeping, anti U-boat, and convoy duty records for the duration of the war as well as the offices of some signals branch of the navy.
An examination of the episode reveals the extent to which feminists and their political allies are willing to go to advance their proabortion, militant leftist, anti male agenda.
I also knew he would have been putting in his own anti surveillance drills enroute, driving into the parking lot early to check it out, even sitting in his car to time it right.
At this my bile overpowered me, and I was going to seize him anti throw him out of the window, when Don Antonio Grimaldi came in.
Here, though, the battle was waged bare-handed, with no assistance from chemical antipest compounds.
In the dorm, the rest of the students would be opening their eyes, dragging out of their beds, and readying themselves for antis, and then for morning classes.
She decided to sit next to Rakell during antis to see if she could give the administrator a bad case of indigestion.