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Anthus (mythology)

In Greek mythology, the name Anthus (Ἄνθος "flower") may refer to:

  • Anthus, a son of Autonous and Hippodamia. His brothers were Erodius, Schoenous and Acanthus, and his sister was Acanthis. Once he drove his father's horses away from the grassy meadows, where they had been pastured by his brother Erodius. Out of hunger, the horses attacked Anthus and devoured him; his father was in shock and could not help, while his mother tried to save him but failed because of her physical weakness. Zeus and Apollo, out of pity for the grieving family, transformed the members into birds. Anthus himself was metamorphosed into a bird called "anthus" which imitated the neighing of a horse, but always fled from the sight of a horse. His servant, who failed to protect the master, was transformed into a white heron. The bird genus Anthus is thus named after him.
  • Anthus of Anthedon, who went missing when he was a child. His sister Hypera set out to search for him and eventually was received as guest by Acastus of Pherae, in whose household Anthus had ended up serving as a cup-bearer. As Anthus came up to his sister to serve her wine, he recognized her and whispered a rhyme to her: "Drink wine with lees, 'cause you dwell not in Anthedon". The same poetic line was otherwise said to be part of an oracular prophecy. Certain companions of Anthus and Hypera were said to have settled in the island Calauria (previously known as Eirene, after Eirene) and to have called it Anthedonia and Hypereia.

Usage examples of "anthus".

The fibres were one of the superstrength monolattice composites extruded in microgee modules up at Zanthus or one of the other orbital industry parks.

For a short time he debated within himself whether to go after the Anthus and Kitsi.

The money is being used to cover a deficit from the microgee crystal furnaces up at Zanthus.

According to the data squirt from Zanthus, that thirty-seven per cent is coming out of the furnace as just so much rubbish, riddled with impurities.

But the security monitoring is actually done up at Zanthus, with the raw data.

However, I checked with personnel, and none of the Zanthus managers have left in the last year, so whoever the culprit is, they're still with us.

I can try and worm my way into Zanthus's 'ware and see if they left any traces, like which terminal it was loaded from, whose access card was used, that kind of thing.

The last resort would be to use our executive code to dump Zanthus's entire data core into the security division's storage facility, and run through the records there.

After that I'll bring in an independent, get him to check this mess out for mesecurity, Zanthus management, the memox-furnace operators, the whole bloody lot of them.

They've turned the operators of my microgee furnaces up at Zanthus, thirty-seven per cent of my memox crystals are being deliberately ruined.

After that, you and a small security team will go up to Zanthus and pull whoever circumvented the security monitors, along with the guilty furnace operators working up there.

He'd taken a Dornier tilt-fan shuttle up from Stanstead the previous evening, after he'd finished interviewing the furnace operators and the Zanthus managers.

Five hardliners, Bruce Parwez, Evan Hams, Jerry Masefield, Isabel Curtis, and Glen Ditchett to handle the arrests, they'd all had duty tours up at Zanthus before, knew how to handle themselves in free-fall.

I'm supposed to vet the security staff out at Listoel and Zanthus, too.

Unfortunately none of the Zanthus management personnel he interviewed were responsible for circumventing the security monitors, we have to conclude the culprit is up there now.