Crossword clues for anthropologists
n. (plural of anthropologist English)
Usage examples of "anthropologists".
Botanists have plants whose passionate emotional lives can be monitored with He detectors, anthropologists have surviving ape-men, zoologists have extant dinosaurs, and evolutionary biologists have Biblical literalists snapping at their flanks.
They found an album of photographs, many of them snapshots of people who seemed to be anthropologists working at digs.
Botanists and anthropologists have repeatedly found that all over the world hunter-gatherer peoples have distinguished the various plant species with the precision of western taxonomists.
Even before anthropologists developed their theories, Freud was impressed both with the power of love-sex drives to dominate our lives and with the male feeling of superiority over women.
For some baffling reason, anthropologists who uncover the boneyards of the great animals he killed find not as much as a tooth of the mighty hunter who butchered them.
Federation had been on the planet, the ethnologists and anthropologists should have published enough monographs to fill a small library!
And there are some exceptionally competent anthropologists here who have done work on kinship systems in cultures all over the world, from the point of view of linguistics and from the point of view of cognition.
Only anthropologists can prove to mankind beyond the shadow of a doubt the progress of human knowledge.
Culture evolves, and only anthropologists can present samples of societies that fit definite cubbyholes in a line of progress and perfectibility.
As a last resort, I went to Arizona to talk to anthropologists who were actually doing field-work there.
When he spoke, he pointed out that the flaw of anthropologists in general is that they never allow themselves sufficient time to become fully cognizant of all the nuances of the particular cognitive system used by the people they are studying.
When anthropologists survey the thousands of distinct cultures and ethnicities that comprise the human family, they are struck by how few features there are that are givens, always present no matter how exotic the society.
The problem confronting the anthropologists was why Folsom Man always hollowed the face of his lance points by cutting out channel flakes, and why he took the added trouble of making them with ears protruding from the base.
Thus, with a few maverick exceptions, anthropologists accepted the theory that man had not invaded the New World until perhaps a thousand years before the time of Christ.
Dawson said he felt that what anthropologists were doing was important.