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'Anthaenantia ' is a New World genus of plants in the grass family, native to North and South America including the West Indies. The genus name is sometimes spelled Anthenanthia or Anthenantia.

  1. Anthaenantia lanata (Kunth) Benth. - from Mexico + Greater Antilles to Uruguay
  2. Anthaenantia rufa (Elliott) Schult. - southeastern + south-central United States ( Texas to North Carolina)
  3. Anthaenantia villaregalis (McVaugh & R.Guzman) Espejo & López-Ferr. - Jalisco
  4. Anthaenantia villosa (Michx.) P.Beauv. - southeastern + south-central United States ( Texas to North Carolina)
formerly included

see Axonopus Digitaria Tricholaena