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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Antepenult \An`te*pe"nult\, ||Antepenultima \An`te*pe*nult"i*ma\, n. [L. antepaenultima (sc. syllaba) antepenultimate; ante before + paenultimus the last but one; paene almost + ultimus last.] (Pros.) The last syllable of a word except two, as -syl- in monosyllable.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

1610s; see antepenultimate.


n. The third-to-last syllable of a word.


n. the 3rd syllable of a word counting back from the end [syn: antepenultimate]

Usage examples of "antepenult".

In the nominative case, an erroneous accent over the antepenult indicates that you take the last letter of the word immediately following the one wrongly accented, and so forth.

Words ending in ous have the accents on the antepenult, as uxorious, voluptuous.

Words ending in ty have their accent on the antepenult, as pusillanimity, activity.

In the nominative case,an erroneous accent over the antepenult indicatesthat you take the last letter of the word immediately following theone wrongly accented, and so forth.