Crossword clues for antemortem
a. before death
adj. preceding death; "antemortem confession" [ant: postmortem]
Usage examples of "antemortem".
He discovered that a large part of the fresh meat prepared at the establishment of a certain slaughtering establishment in Chicago was derived from animals which had been condemned on the antemortem inspection, but the flesh of which was perimitted TO BE SOLD AS PURE FOOD AFTER THE DISEASED PARTS HAD BEEN REMOVED.
Both she and Repasi knew that heat applied to skin caused contraction of dermal capillaries, and this forced blood to the periphery of the blister, simulating an antemortem hyperemic inflammatory response.
To do what he did to the victim, both antemortem and postmortem, he also had to have a house or apartment of his own.
Hart was so badly burned, he could be identified only by striking similarities of tooth root and trabecular alveolar bone points in antemortem and postmortem radiographs.
The homicide falls under the heading of lust murder, as is clearly indicated by the torture to which the victim was subjected antemortem, but I would be hesitant to categorize this UNSUB as being in the same sort of crazed frenzy as we saw in Jack the Ripper’.