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n. (plural of antecedent English)

Usage examples of "antecedents".

Though clearly not of European antecedents, it was well built by a master of solid oak, elm, hickory, and pine, mostly secured by trunnels, but with good-quality wrought-iron hardware, as well.

One way to better understand some specific behavior is to carefully observe its antecedents and consequences, i.

In this method, you can concentrate on the antecedents of desired or unwanted behaviors, feelings, or interpersonal interactions.

As long as the organism is familiar with the position, and remembers its antecedents, nothing can assimilate it.

Felicity found this dampening of ducal antecedents not at all to her liking.

Is it necessary to seek an explanation of the crime in any psychic abnormality which is negatived to all appearances by the antecedents of the guilty pair?

A part of his reward for his valuable services had been his appointment as lieutenant governor of the newly reconquered northern territories, which meant that hea European of noble antecedents but bastard birththereby had achieved to dominance over an extent of territory larger than that ruled over by most reigning European kings.

Emma said inwardly, her eyes lighting up with pleasure, and she saw in her mind for a brief instant their antecedents .

Behavioral analysis: observe and record antecedents and consequences to understand behavior.

STEP THREE: Observe and record the antecedents and consequences of the behavior, emotion, or interaction.

An hour or so will be involved in the arm chair philosophizing about the role of the antecedents and consequences.