Crossword clues for antagonists
The Collaborative International Dictionary
antagonists \antagonists\ n. 1. muscles having opposite effects; the contraction of one neutralizes the contraction of the other.
Syn: antagonistic muscles.
n. (plural of antagonist English)
- redirect antagonist
Usage examples of "antagonists".
The Moorish and Illyrian horse of Aurelian were unable to sustain the ponderous charge of their antagonists.
The votaries of Serapis, whose strength and numbers were much inferior to those of their antagonists, rose in arms at the instigation of the philosopher Olympius, ^45 who exhorted them to die in the defence of the altars of the gods.
If they have ceased, summon your antagonists to declare the reason of this strange alteration.
The practice of a conference, which the Catholics had so frequently used to insult and punish their obstinate antagonists, was retorted against themselves.
He anticipated the hour of the attack, outstripped his tardy followers, and was pierced with a mortal wound, after he had slain with his own hand twelve of his boldest antagonists.
The pious horror of his antagonists provoked them to disclaim all sensual circumstances of conception and delivery.
And the rigid unity of the Monophysites, who, under the reigns of Zeno and Anastasius, had invaded the thrones of the East, provoked their antagonists, in a land of freedom, to avow a moral, rather than a physical, union of the two persons of Christ.
In the efforts for the recovery of their empire, they emulated the valor, discipline, and tactics of their antagonists.
All that has been observed of the greatness of the Colonna will likewise redeemed to the glory of the Ursini, their constant and equal antagonists in the long hereditary feud, which distracted above two hundred and fifty years the ecclesiastical state.
There are no equal antagonists on the planet, since one of the powers has acquired dominion over the others.
None of the antagonists intended to transform the entire solar system into a battle zone of monstrous proportions, but proceeded in steps, countering the moves of the adversaries.
Every time the antagonists came to a barrier, a temporary balance of forces would ensue.
Expanding astronomically now, the war sphere would impose on the antagonists methods of combat unprecedented in their history.
This tactic takes for granted a thing that is open to question—because the antagonists may be not on opposite continents but in mutual possession of the same territory, both horizontally and vertically.
And thus we push the antagonists from the precarious equilibrium of their arms race into total war.