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n. (plural of answerer English)

Usage examples of "answerers".

Eachard writ his book about the Contempt of the Clergy, numbers of those answerers immediately started up, whose memory, if he had not kept alive by his replies, it would now be utterly unknown that he were ever answered at all.

He hath seen the productions but of two answerers, one of which first appeared as from an unknown hand, but since avowed by a person, who, upon some occasions, hath discovered no ill vein of humour.

The cost was high for the asker—two of my rubies went to the coffers of the Fastness—but higher for the answerers.

There was no need for him to answer the door either, as most new houses were being equipped with door answerers.

The cost was high for the asker-two of my rubies went to the coffers of the Fastness-but higher for the answerers.

Authors even wrote books on how to dance around scip questions, until ATI had issued simple instructions, known as the “Thacker Guidelines,” on how to entrap evasive answerers.