n. A meeting that official bodies, associations and companies hold each year to elect the board of directors and inform their members of previous and future activities. Commonly abbreviated as AGM.
An annual general meeting (commonly abbreviated as AGM, also known as the annual meeting) is a meeting of the general membership of an organization.
These organizations include membership associations and companies with shareholders.
These meetings may be required by law or by the constitution, charter, or by-laws governing the body. The meetings are held to conduct business on behalf of the organization or company.
Usage examples of "annual general meeting".
It was so sybaritic and had cost so much that embarrassing questions had been put to Shasa at the annual general meeting of the company by a group of dissident shareholders.
There was the Annual General Meeting of the trustees of the Institute which I could not avoid, and I was committed to a series of lectures for the Faculty of Archaeology at the University of Witwatersrand.
It has directors and board meetings and the shareholders are informed each year when the annual general meeting is to take place.
He'd preside over innumerable committee meetings, and once a year would give the traditional annual report at the traditional Annual General Meeting.
To this day they still hold their annual general meeting in a chop house, with tankards of porter all round and something they call the Chairman’.