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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Announce \An*nounce"\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Announced; p. pr. & vb. n. Announcing.] [OF. anoncier, F. annoncer, fr. L. annuntiare; ad + nuntiare to report, relate, nuntius messenger, bearer of news. See Nuncio, and cf. Annunciate.]

  1. To give public notice, or first notice of; to make known; to publish; to proclaim.

    Her [Q. Elizabeth's] arrival was announced through the country by a peal of cannon from the ramparts.

  2. To pronounce; to declare by judicial sentence.

    Publish laws, announce Or life or death.

    Syn: To proclaim; publish; make known; herald; declare; promulgate.

    Usage: To Publish, Announce, Proclaim, Promulgate. We publish what we give openly to the world, either by oral communication or by means of the press; as, to publish abroad the faults of our neighbors. We announce what we declare by anticipation, or make known for the first time; as, to announce the speedy publication of a book; to announce the approach or arrival of a distinguished personage. We proclaim anything to which we give the widest publicity; as, to proclaim the news of victory. We promulgate when we proclaim more widely what has before been known by some; as, to promulgate the gospel.


vb. (present participle of announce English)

Usage examples of "announcing".

I wrote to my friends at Venice, announcing my arrival at Trieste, and for the next ten days I kept my room, busied in putting together the notes I had made on Polish events since the death of Elizabeth Petrovna.

A certain painter met with great success for some time by announcing a thing which was an impossibility--namely, by pretending that he could take a portrait of a person without seeing the individual, and only from the description given.

My lieutenant went out, and returned announcing that an honest-looking man, who spoke Italian, wished to see me on important business.

The farewell address of the minister was rendered still more remarkable than it otherwise would have been, by his announcing that the Oregon dispute with the United States had been amicably adjusted.

Immediately placards were issued from Conciliation Hall, and were posted in town and country, announcing the event.

The following, by an eye-witness, is a condensed account of the transactions in the assembly upon the occasion of formally announcing this result.

The government resolved wisely to permit the meeting to assemble, at the same time announcing that any attempt to cross the bridges in a formal procession would be resisted.

Lord John Russell, however, quieted many fears by announcing, which he did in his most pompous manner, that Sir Charles Napier had been selected to command the army in India.

Hugo concluded by announcing that 500 francs would be given for a peace essay, and 500 francs for the best collection of facts showing the horrors of war.

Lord Palmerston took the country, if not the house, by surprise in announcing that he had chosen Lord John Russell as the representative of England at the conference about to ensue.

Chamberlain later wrote that their conversation simply broke down, with the Southerner finally announcing that Chamberlain could never understand how the South felt.

As I returned to the inn after a short walk, mine host handed me the bill of the play announcing four performances of the Didone of Metastasio at the Spada.

I proved to be right, and at London I received a grateful letter announcing the success of my method.

He adopted this strange contrivance for contradicting an article which appeared in an English journal announcing that Hortense was delivered.

I therefore despatched to the Minister for Foreign Affairs a detailed letter, announcing that Baron Grote, the Prussian Minister at Hamburg, had set off on a visit to Bremen and Lubeck.