An Ankanam is a unit of measure similar to an acre. It is used mainly in regions of Andhra Pradesh and Karnataka, India - Nellore, Anekal, Bengaluru and Tirupathi. An Ankanam is measured as , (mostly in the Nellore District) and, in some places (such as Tirupathi), . In Nellore, one acre equals 605 Ankanams, and 1 cent amounts to 6.05 Ankanams. This unit is very popular, presumably because it is easier to calculate the cost of a piece of land.
1 Acre = 100 cents/0.405 hectares/605 Ankanas
1 cent = 6.05 Ankanas/48 Sq.Yards
1 Ankana =8 Sq. yard/72 Sq. Feet
1 Tirupathi Ankana = 4 Sq.yard/36 Sq. ft (in Tirupathi)
1 Sq. Yard = 9 Sq. Feet.
1 Yard = 3 feet.
Category:Units of area