, stylized as ANIMAX, is a Japanese anime satellite television network, dedicated to broadcasting anime programming. The channel also dubbed cartoons in Japanese language. A subsidiary of Japanese media conglomerate Sony, it is headquartered in in Minato, Tokyo, Japan, with its co-founders and shareholders including Sony Pictures Entertainment Japan and the noted anime studios Sunrise, Toei Animation, TMS Entertainment and production company NAS.
Animax is the first and largest 24-hour network in the world dedicated to anime and cartoons.
Animax has separate 24-hour TV channels for Japan, Animax Asia (three separate feeds for South East Asia, Philippines and Hong Kong, India), Hong Kong, South Korea and Taiwan. And a VOD service in the United Kingdom, Germany, Austria and Switzerland.
Animax India is the Indian Subcontinent division of Animax Asia, a Japanese anime television channel. It currently airs in English 24 hours a day. This channel is a part of Japanese media conglomerate Sony. It is also the first animation channel to be targeting from age 13-35 and the only channel to simulcast anime same week and same day as Japan.
Animax Germany is one of Animax's channels in Europe. It was launched during Summer 2007. It was launched the same year as its Eastern European counterpart.
Animax was the Latin American version of Animax.