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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Animalculum \An`i*mal"cu*lum\, n.; pl. Animalcula. [NL. See Animalcule.] An animalcule.

Note: Animalcul[ae], as if from a Latin singular animalcula, is a barbarism.


n. animalcule

  1. n. microscopic organism such as an amoeba or paramecium [syn: animalcule]

  2. [also: animalcula (pl)]

Usage examples of "animalculum".

The force of these waves is very great: the animalculum is miserably frail.

He believes that bread is alive, that the yeast Animalcula may unite in a single purposeful individual, that each Loaf is so organized, with the crust, for example, serving as skin or Carapace, the small cavities within exhibiting a strange complexity, their pale Walls, to appearance smooth, proving, upon magnification, to be made up of even smaller bubbles, and, one may presume, so forth, down to the Limits of the Invisible.

I confess, however, there is a very great difficulty in imagining any one spot to be the birthplace of the millions of millions of animalcula and confervae: for whence come the germs at such points?