n. (context anatomy English) An angle, a corner, such as the angular portion of the stomach between the lesser curvature and the pylorus.
Usage examples of "angulus".
Huius lateris alter angulus, qui est ad Cantium, quo fere omnes ex Gallia naves appelluntur, ad orientem solem, inferior ad meridiem spectat.
The depressores anguli oris, as we have just seen, are usually contracted at the same time, and they indirectly tend, according to Dr.
Whilst I was looking at her, I saw that her depressores anguli oris became very slightly, yet decidedly, contracted.
But the order was countermanded by the will, or rather by a later acquired habit, and all the muscles were obedient, excepting in a slight degree the depressores anguli oris.
It is lodged just at the external edge of the levator anguli scapulae, and it presents no particular interest to the philosophical surgeon, but for the fact that it is lodged in a most romantic frame.