The Collaborative International Dictionary
Anglo-American \Anglo-American\ a. Of or pertaining to the English and Americans, or to the descendants of Englishmen in America.
Anglo-American \Anglo-American\ n. an American who was born in England or whose ancestors were English.
Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary
1738, from Anglo- + American. Originally often in contrast to German immigrants. In contrast to non-English neighboring or border people in the U.S. from 1809 (adj.); 1834 (n.). Meaning "pertaining to both England and the United States" is from 1812.
Anglo-American is a term usually implying a relationship between the United States and the United Kingdom (specifically England), or the two countries' shared language (English) and/or cultural heritage. In this context the term may refer to:
- English American, a person from the United States whose ancestry originates wholly or partly in England
- A person from the United States who speaks English as their first language (see American English)
- A collective term referring to those countries that have similar legal systems based on common law
- United Kingdom–United States relations, relations between the United Kingdom and United States
- Anglo-American Cataloguing Rules, a national cataloging code
The term is also used, less frequently, to denote a connection between English people (or the English language) and the Western Hemisphere as a whole. In this context the term can mean:
- A person from the Americas whose ancestry originates wholly or partly in England (see British diaspora)
- A person from the Americas who is a White American and speaks English as their first language.
- A person from the Americas who speaks English as their first language (see English-speaking world and Languages of the Americas)
- A person from Anglo-America
The Anglo-American was an English motor tricycle produced by a York company from 1899 to 1900. The company also offered motors that it claimed were "manufactured throughout in our own works", but which were most likely Continental imports.
Usage examples of "anglo-american".
That touched us U-boat men to the quick, seeing that we would have to hand over our boats to the Anglo-Americans without a fight, whether they were at sea, in Norwegian harbours or in home bases.
Christianity, or of Western civilization, or of Indo-European folkways, or of Anglo-American culture.
Fourth, and perhaps most importantly, until the last few post-Marxist years, Soviet psychology and neurophysiology were set within a specific philosophical tradition which explicitly counterposed a dialectical understanding of mind-brain relations to the mechanistic reductionism which dominates Anglo-American science.
Insofar as the absolute disjunction of the literary and the nonliterary had been the root assumption of mainstream Anglo-American criticism in the mid-twentieth century, deconstruction emerged as a liberating challenge, a salutary return of the literary text to the condition of all other texts and a simultaneous assault on the positivist certitude of the nonliterary, the privileged realm of historical fact.
THE NO-FLY ZONES Of all the key elements of containment, the one under the least pressure right now is the Anglo-American patrols of the no-fly zones in northern and southern Iraq.
But faced with opposition to antiterrorism legislation that not only gives the attorney general the power to use the armed services against the civilian population, neatly nullifying the Posse Comitatus Act of 1878, it also, selectively, suspends habeas corpus, the heart of Anglo-American liberty.
As this is an Anglo-American edition, many of the footnotes have been provided for the benefit of American readers and contain information we know to be familiar to English readers.
Second, a strong Anglo-American air presence remains in the region, providing access to Iraqi airspace for strike missions in the event Iraqi military units begin heading south.
Because the Anglo-American postmaster could not pronounce the Spanish i the settlement of Anil became Anal in the U.
In 1944, where was their all-penetrating influence, when the secret began to leak cut, and they in vain implored the Anglo-Americans to bomb Auschwitz?
The division between the Anglo-Americans and the Russians in the revised Rankin C plan was a suggested line running from Lubeck on the Baltic to Eisenach in central Germany and from there to the Czech border.
Between the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea: Merchant Seamen, Pirates, and the Anglo-American Maritime World, 1700-1750.
According to the Encyclopædia, the Third was often known as the Junkyard Dogs or, simply, the Mongrels, because it tended to draw its members from the White Diaspora: Uitlanders, Ulster Loyalists, whites from Hong Kong, and rootless sorts from all of the Anglo-American parts of the world.
To the Oswego tea, and the fermented liquor extracted from the roots of the dragonnier, Harding had added a regular beer, made from the young shoots of the spruce-fir, which, after having been boiled and fermented, made that agreeable drink called by the Anglo-Americans spring-beer.
The Anglo-Americans had their Manhattan, the Japanese hadHong Kong was a nice piece of work, but it was essentiallyWhen the Overseas Chinese came back to the homeland totheir monument to enterprise, they had done it here, and theydone it bigger and brighter, and unquestionably redder, than anythose other cities.