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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Anglicism \An"gli*cism\, n. [Cf. F. anglicisme.]

  1. An English idiom; a phrase or form language peculiar to the English.

  2. The quality of being English; an English characteristic, custom, or method.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

1640s, "anglicized language," from Latin Anglicus "of the English" (see Angle) + -ism. As an instance of this, from 1781.


n. 1 A word or other feature originating in the English language that has been borrowed by another language. 2 A Briticism. 3 A cultural aspect typical of the English people.


An Anglicism may refer to

  • a) a word or construction peculiar to the English language
  • b) a word or construction borrowed from English into another language
  • c) English syntax, grammar, or meaning transposed in another language resulting in incorrect language use or incorrect translation.
  • d)a word or phrase that is peculiar to the English language spoken in England.

Usage examples of "anglicism".

The meeting in the station became a symbol of stiff, awkward, pretentious Anglicism.

He grinned wolfishly: his family might be from the Egyptian provinces, where a veneer of Anglicism was fashionable, but he was Draka to the core.

She despised his Fascism of the past, his Anglicism of the present, and she used him to further her own ends by threatening to expose his wartime treachery.

Francesca was at the far end of the long table, and I do not know how she fared, but from various Anglicisms that Salemina dropped, as she chatted with the Queen's Counsel on her left, I could see that her nerve was steady and circulation free.

We avoid them, which it is not difficult to do, as we have the brand of Protestantism and Anglicism upon us.