Anghan is a surname found in the Hindu Leuva Patel communities of Gujarat India, and though it is rather uncommon, those who bear the name live in tight-knit groups.
People with the surname Anghan live in different areas of Kathiavad, mostly concentrated in the Bhavnagar District. Some also live in the villages of Khantadi, Ugamedi, Navada, Bhudhel, Sidsar, Navagam (Gaiakwadi), Turkha, and Nari, amongst others.
Many members of this community participated in independence activity of India, including Rajeshbhai, Jatinbhai, Umeshbhai from Kantadi, Chaganbhai Anghan from Navagam. Other name Sagarbhai anashvinbhai anghan (ghanghali)
"Anghan Parivar Sneh Milan" is organised every year in Surat, where whole Anghan Parivar is join together and taking dinner together and appreciate to brilliant student, etc.