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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Angerly \An"ger*ly\, adv. Angrily. [Obs. or Poetic]

Why, how now, Hecate! you look angerly.


adv. (context archaic English) angrily.

Usage examples of "angerly".

This hee spake very angerly : But Byrrhena was earnest upon him, and assured him hee should have no wrong at any mans hand.

Wherewithall he came angerly towards me, and tooke away the haire which I had gathered, out of my apron : which grieved me very much, for I knew my Mistresses manners, that she would not be contented but beat me cruelly.

But Cupid followed her downe, and lighted upon the top of a Cypresse tree, and angerly spake unto her in this manner : O simple Psyches, consider with thy selfe how I, little regarding the commandement of my mother (who willed mee that thou shouldst bee married to a man of base and miserable condition) did come my selfe from heaven to love thee, and wounded myne owne body with my proper weapons, to have thee to my Spowse : And did I seeme a beast unto thee, that thou shouldst go about to cut off my head with a razor, who loved thee so well?

While I did angerly devise with my selfe all these things, I perceived by certaine signes and tokens (not ignorant to so wise an Asse) that he was not the notable theefe Hemus, but rather Lepolemus her husband, for after much communication he beganne to speake more franckly, not fearing at all my presence, and said, Be of good cheere my sweete friend Charites, for thou shalt have by and by all these thy enemies captive unto thee.

After the judgement of Paris was ended, Juno and Pallas departed away angerly, shewing by their gesture, that they would revenge themselves on Paris, but Venus that was right pleased and glad in her heart, danced about the Theater with much joy.

Do not look angerly now, Jack, but let me tell you three things: I must do so, as a friend.