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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Angellike \An"gel*like`\, a. & adv. Resembling an angel.


a. Resembling or characteristic of an angel.

Usage examples of "angellike".

An angellike army of keratinous predecessors could be seen, confirming the images.

An angellike array of predecessors was glimpsed, devouring the primal ice-fields.

One afternoon in the late Cambrook was half hidden behind a fence casually watching the girls' hockey team practice behind school, the sky was like a gray washboard overhead, there was a cold breeze yet the girls were perspiring, galloping along the field like Valkyries in their maroon shorts and hooded school jerseys, calling and laughing to one another, Dexter was certain he wasn't spying on the girls though perhaps he'd singled out Pattianne Groves to follow with his admiring eyes, how impressive a hockey player she was, in her position as forward, her long wavy auburn hair pulled back into a swinging wildly as she ran, the straight-cut bangs across her perfect forehead blown by the wind, Dexter's heart lurched as he noted winglike patches of damp on Pattianne's back, soaking delicately through her jersey, he was gazing at the girl who'd seemed to have emerged angellike out of the horde of her teammates, an angel of wrath with her flashing hockey stick, her luminous eyes narrowed to slits .