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Andrias is a genus of giant salamanders. It includes the largest salamanders in the world, with A. japonicus reaching a length of , and A. davidianus reaching . The species A. scheuchzeri is only known from fossils, although some consider it synonymous with A. davidianus.

Usage examples of "andrias".

Miss Kistemaeckers noticed that the cloaca of all three animals was very sore, and she writes that fertilisation of the ova of Andrias Scheuchzeri seems to take place not by copulation, nor even spawning, but by what she called the sexual milieu.

Cryptobranchus Primaevus or Andrias Scheuchzeri Tschudi and long since considered extinct.

Nonetheless, there is no doubt that the fresh footprints found on the shore of the island of Tongatabu and published by Captain Croisset in La Nature are those of Andrias Scheuchzer.

He was entirely alone in the newt section where the great Japanese newt, the American hellbender, Andrias Scheuchzeri and a number of small amphibians, axolotls, eels, reptiles and frogs were exhibited.

The following is part of the record of the experiment with Andrias Scheuchzeri.

In this case it would not be out of the question for Andrias not only to multiply but even to evolve into a better form, and that human science would have the unique opportunity to assist in some of the enormous changes to be undergone by at least one animal species.

There are some unusual circumstances to be considered here: Andrias Scheuchzeri is the only species of newt living in the sea and--even more remarkable--the only newt to be found in the area from Ethiopia to Australasia, the Lemuria of ancient myths.

An animal similar to a lizard, but without scales and walking on its hind legs like a man: it could only be Andrias Scheuchzeri, or another newt closely related to it.

So let us refer then to just a few peculiarities which have been observed in Andrias Scheuchzeri.

The males, and only the males, of Andrias would appear on the beach, form themselves into a circle and begin a strange, wave-like twisting and bending of the upper half of the body.

We have already said that the female of Andrias Scheuchzeri is fertilised by the so-called sexual milieu surrounding males and females rather than by the personal conjoining of individual males and females.

It may well be because of this marked male input to the direction of development that Andrias has so excelled in technical matters, which are talents typical of the male.

Indeed, it is only after considerable time that we realise that this man speaking with the enthusiasm of a black magician is discussing the ability of Andrias to perceive colours and his ability to distinguish various shades.

I cannot be sure that I understood properly, but I left with the impression that Andrias Scheuchzeri might be largely colour-blind, but that Professor Dubosque must be terribly short sighted going by the way he lifted his papers up to his thick, glasses that sparkled wildly in the light.

Professor Rehmann, coming next, explained in detail how Andrias responds to electric shocks, at which a passionate dispute arose between him and Professor Bruckner.