n. (plural of ancestress English)
Usage examples of "ancestresses".
It was unfinished, but it had strong walls that were easy to defend, and our ancestresses had control of medical care, tools, weapons, and women.
They're the descendants of the cultural historians on the second ship, and their ancestresses knew very well that surpluses breed contempt.
Taking a key from her chatelaine, she unlocked her ancestral chest and withdrew a rolled parchment, which bore the names of all of her ancestresses since the NEOFEM.
Avatar's people had originally hailed from the far southern tribes whose origin ancestresses were in the NEOFEM's maintenance division.
Ginger mused upon her ancestresses who had left behind, in bureau drawers and standing chests, bars of petrified gardenia soap and cylinders of solid bath crystals and long-necked carafes of bath oils, their contents separated like salad dressing but which could yet be shaken and poured.
They probably liked dealing with base matter like dirt and manure better than they liked dealing with soap and water, derived as they were from blood-kinship to her less-than-spotless wicked witch ancestresses.
She picked up the tail and slowly the shock and the scowl turned into a grinthe same kind of wicked witch grin that must have petrified victims of her distant ancestresses.
They’re the descendants of the cultural historians on the second ship, and their ancestresses knew very well that surpluses breed contempt.
ancestresses with perhaps dim anticipatory likenesses to her aunt, their hair less neatly done, no doubt, their manners and gestures as yet undisciplined, but still ancestresses in the direct line, must have danced through a brief and stirring life in the woady buff.
At her side Joss said curtly, "Just in case you're interested, this chateau was once the home of one of your ancestresses, Catherine de Chambertin.
The agents of the one, or the officers of the other, will study the existing type of family face, and will select ancestors and ancestresses whose modelling, coloring, and expression agree with it, and will keep in view the race and nationality of the family whose ancestral portraits are to be supplied, so that there shall be no chance of the grossly improbable effect which ancestral portraits now have in many cases.
Oh you into whom the maternal love of our ancestresses has passed, watch over your descendents still.