n. (plural of anatomist English)
Usage examples of "anatomists".
The microscopic anatomists had shown that the ganglionic corpuscles of the gray matter of the cord are connected with each other by their processes, as well as with the nerve-roots.
It does not deal with organs, as did the earlier anatomists, nor with tissues, after the manner of Bichat.
Brain language has many dialects, spoken by many different sorts of biologists - physiologists, biochemists, anatomists - and handles its claims to objectivity with confidence.
A few years after my PhD, in the mid-1960s, I joined a small group of like-minded physiologists, anatomists and psychologists to establish the first neuroscience society in Britain - perhaps the world: the Brain Research Association.
But hydraulic thinking centred not on the fatty and unpromising tissue of which the brain was composed but instead on its fluid-filled core, the ventricles, lovingly drawn by early anatomists, none more strikingly than Leonardo.