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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Anathematize \A*nath"e*ma*tize\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Anathematized; p. pr. & vb. n. Anathematizing.] [L. anathematizare, Gr. ? to devote, make accursed: cf. F. anath['e]matiser.] To pronounce an anathema against; to curse. Hence: To condemn publicly as something accursed.


vb. (present participle of anathematize English)

Usage examples of "anathematizing".

It was barely possible that I was unjustly anathematizing these gentlemen, that, while they were peacefully sleeping, thieves had broken in below.

We have been in the habit of exclaiming very loudly against the war, execrating its cruelty and anathematizing its results, as though the cruelty were all superfluous and the results unnecessary.

Avignon Popes, and these weighty documents deal with witchcraft in the fullest detail, anathematizing all such abominations.